She just cut me off!
choose love.
He just made it all about him and didn't even ask me how I was doing!
choose love.
She ate the last gluten free donut!
choose love.
They just laid me off!
choose love.
My kids won't leave me alone!
choose love.
She just talked over me and assumed she knew how I was feeling!
choose love.
My daughter just broke my favorite mug and used the ketchup as lipstick!
choose love.
I can't find eggs at the grocery store!
choose love.
They played their music so loud I couldn't hear myself think!
choose love.
She forgot my birthday!
choose love.
I can't leave the house and it stinks in here!
choose love.
He just man-splained everything I have being saying all along.
choose love.
He hasn't called me in weeks!
choose love.
He used the last roll of toilette paper!
choose love.
He chews with his mouth open!
choose love.
She takes everything personally!
choose love.
They makes these quiet comments about my weight!
choose love.
They are never on time!
choose love.
She just talked at me for 45 minutes!
choose love.
He just yelled in my face about nothing at all! choose love.
They insist that I just be happy all the time!
choose love.
She won't stop sending me news headlines!
choose love.
He isn't taking any of this seriously!
choose love.
They are always so quiet, I need someone to talk to!
choose love.
Choosing love does not mean to discount all of the other colors of the emotional rainbow that are visiting in this enormously complex time, it means to make a decision.
It means to make a decision to water the seeds of love in the face of fear, annoyance, boredom, indifference, envy, and grief, to surrender into our interconnectedness and need for each other rather than drift apart.
Choosing love means making room for all that is and landing back in a space of tenderness and supple hearted kindness as we walk this messy path together, even if from a distance.
Choosing love means taking care of yourself in the moment, so we can provide care for all, for all of time. Choosing love means setting a boundary, setting an intention, pausing, feeling, and letting go.
Honor what’s arriving, we are all needing a bit more compassion and forgiveness as we navigate this chaos together.
Choose love.
You are loved.